今年春天, 十大最好的网赌平台 is joining a new rec-level youth lacrosse league – and there was a new face on campus at the start of the year to let students know what it’s all about.

For two weeks in January, Director of Lacrosse at 南卡罗莱纳青年曲棍球队 Taylor Blenckstone joined Panthers in grades 2-6 as a guest coach during Physical Education classes to share her love for lacrosse. Originally from Maryland, Blenckstone played Division I lacrosse at Longwood University in Virginia. 从那以后,她一直在做教练. “Coming from Maryland, lacrosse is huge,布莱克斯通说. “But my goal in coming here is to make it as big in South Carolina as it is there. I hope to help grow the game as much as possible.”

Since joining 南卡罗莱纳青年曲棍球队 in November, she’s hit the ground running to sign up students in local schools to play this spring in a league she’s building from scratch, and getting into classrooms was step one. “Young athletes are just so willing to learn, and they love to do new things,布莱克斯通说. “这就是为什么你从P开始.E. I’ve found that every time a new kid gets a lacrosse stick in their hands, they’re hooked.”

From grip to cradling the ball with confidence, students spent the first few days learning the basics of lacrosse. Soon they were learning how to pass in three basic steps: step, release, and follow through. “Then in week two, I made it a little more fun and interactive,布莱克斯通说. “I wanted to see if they retained what we did and could apply it to certain drills and games.”

判决结果? The Panthers passed with flying colors. “Seeing them catch their first ball or get a really good pass and be excited about it, 这意味着一切,布莱克斯通说. “That’s exactly why I’m doing what I’m doing – to see their excitement and see their engagement in something new and hopefully have them stick with it.”

Interesting in signing up your athlete to play this spring? Get more information on how to register here